Friday, August 29, 2014

Rainforest #ecotourismvacation And Sustainability

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#costaricavacations #costaricatravel #ecotourismcostarica

Ecotourism in Costa Rica is defined as responsible travel to natural areas in which the environment is being conserved, and the well-being of the local people is being improved as well through uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel Costa Rica. One of the main purposes of ecotourism is to educate Costa Rica Travel about the protected areas such as the tropical rainforest and the preservation of the natural resources. Likewise, most tour operators offer the visitors some alternative ways of learning more about the endangered ecosystem of our planet.

 ecotourism costa rica

 Ecotourism in Costa Rica Offers Fun Activities

 There are fun activities that encourage tourists and travelers to engage in learning about the conservation of our environment especially the rainforests. These activities are most often listed on their things to do on their vacation. Some of these are the following:

 Hiking and Nature Trekking - nothing beats having a good hike on a trail surrounded by trees, rivers, and the undergrowth of the jungle. Most ecotourism operators offer their visitors to enjoy a trip along the nature trail, accompanied by guides and instructors to educate them while they venture within the jungle.
 Zip Lining - experiencing this activity boosts the excitement of the tourists as they slide fast along the cables on top of the trees. Zip line tours are very popular all over the world, enabling a user to travel along the cables from one platform to another propelled by gravity. And adding to the experience is an ambiance surrounded by nature, from the trees to small rivers and even across a high cliff! This activity is a favorite amongst adventure lovers and thrill-seekers.

 Bird Watching - spotting bird species and watching their population in the rainforest is also an ecotourism activity which is growing in popularity, especially for bird-lovers. Armed with visual enhancing equipment such as binoculars and telescopes, tourists can learn a lot about the birds that reside in a particular location. Likewise, there are many ornithologists (scientists who specialize in studying bird species) that engage in this activity. There is an international event, the Christmas Bird Count organized by Audubon Society, in which all bird-enthusiasts and scientists all over the world are invited to participate in spotting and counting the bird species found in participating locations worldwide.
 travel to costa rica

 Aerial Tram Ride - watching the rich vegetation and ecosystem above the trees is one great adventure for the whole family. From young school-children to the elderly, riding an aerial tram is an opportunity to explore the great view above the rainforest canopy. Accompanied by nature guides, they will also learn facts about the jungles and the preservation and conservation of our natural resources.

 How Most Ecotourism Operator Help Save the Rainforests Costa Rica

 Most tour operators offer programs designed to protect the rain forests of our planet, thus preserving nature and its secrets for future generations. They reach out to all sectors of the society, from young school children and high school students to adult members of local communities, aiming to protect the rainforest Costa Rica. Some of the conservation and sustainability programs include the following:

 Reforestation - many tropical forests are cut down every day to make use for other purposes such as making cow pastures, commercial infrastructures, and so on. An example program for reforestation in most ecotourism operators offers a chance for tourists and for the members of the community to replenish the depleted resources by planting new trees and recreating new forest and woodland areas.

 Solid Waste Management - reusing, recycling and proper disposal of wastes are very important to keep our environment clean and to make our planet healthy. Together with community leaders, ecotourism operators are working to generate a change in attitudes toward waste. An example is by offering solid-waste classification, allowing visitors and local residents alike to see how it is possible to reduce the amount that goes to landfills by just the separation and proper disposal of waste.

 Cleanup Projects - in order to keep the community clean and beautiful, tour operators participate in cleanup projects and activities within the local communities, employing the aid of their staffs and managing the procedure of proper waste management. Likewise, they also encourage all the members of the community to help in keeping the cleanliness of their surroundings and help save the environment.

 Being Educators - one of the most common, as well as the most effective ways of contributing to the sustainability of the rainforests is by educating visitors about the importance and necessity of conserving the environment. Adding to the fun of the activities being offered by tour operators, tourists can learn eye-opening facts and important information about the earth's ecosystem in their vacation Costa Rica experience.

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